Fandom in the time of COVID19

In the past week, from March 16th to March 22nd, I have watched more live music than I had ever had in such a short time frame. That is solely due to current technology and that I'm fortunate enough to be a fan and friend of many musicians who can and are willing to livestream … Continue reading Fandom in the time of COVID19

Redefining Punk and Finding Community: A Review of Against Me! at Brooklyn Steel, 2017

The house lights go down. The attention of almost 1,800 people is instantly captivated. They know what’s next. Suddenly, they hear electronic drumming, and a blue hue light tints the stage. People are screaming and clapping. Those who were at the bar hastily make their way back into the main room of the venue, Brooklyn … Continue reading Redefining Punk and Finding Community: A Review of Against Me! at Brooklyn Steel, 2017